Three Month Starter Kit
판매가 575 USD
상품 상세 설명
This is a Beyond Beauty product which means it has been sourced, tried and tested and finally declared one of the most new and innovative heroes out there. LYMA is the ultimate supplement, formulated by the world authority in pharmaco-nutrition, Dr Paul Clayton, to unlock powerful benefits, beyond the potential of a healthy diet. LYMA delivers a balance of the best, patented ingredients, proven to unlock your potential, improve beauty, increase immunity and boost productivity. LYMA is more than a vitamin pill, it's the advantage you've been looking for. A unique blend of science and nature that leaves you feeling confident and healthy; your body in balance. With LYMA by your side, you'll always feel like the best version of yourself. The Three Month Starter Kit features 360 capsules housed in a handcrafted 100% pure copper vessel, with a membership card, polish cloth and welcome booklet. Suitable for vegetarians. Gluten free, paraben free, sulphate free, gelatine free, sugar free. Made in the UK. ALLERGENS: May contain traces of milk Daily serving size - 4 easy-to-swallow capsules Take two capsules in the morning with breakfast and two capsules in the evening with dinner. Avoid taking at the same time as caffeine as this may inhibit the absorption of ingredients. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, taking medication or under medical supervision, please consult a doctor or healthcare professional before use. Store in a cool, dry place. 1. Balance. KSM-66® Ashwagandha. 600 mg. A powerful adaptogen which calms and restores physical, mental and hormonal balance 2. Cognition. Cognizin®. 250 mg. A leading nootropic which enhances cognitive function 3. Beauty. Cynatine® HNS. 500 mg. A superior, highly bio-available keratin for incredible beauty and smart ageing benefits 4. Antioxidant. Lycored Lycopene™. 30 mg. The best antioxidant to protect against the ravages of urban life 5. Anti-inflammatory. HydroCurc®. 600 mg. 100% bioavailable curcumin for cellular protection and inflammation reduction 6. Immunity. Wellmune®, 250 mg. Powerful beta glucans providing immune support and balance blood sugar 7. Activating. K2Vital®. 75 μg. Superstar nutrient which promotes bone health, longevity and endurance 8. Core. Vita-algae D3™. 2,000 i.u. Supports immunity, improves muscle health/recovery and calcium absorption 9. Mood. affron® 28mg. Helps with relaxation, mental and physical balance, and to maintain a positive mood.
총 상품 금액 USD



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