Slip Silk Face Covering - Pink
판매가 45 USD
상품 상세 설명
This is a Beyond Beauty product which means it has been sourced, tried and tested and finally declared one of the most new and innovative heroes out there. The Slip® re-usable face covering has silk on both sides with a cotton inner layer and is designed to be gentle on your delicate facial skin. The silk touches your face so it is super gentle to wear. 100% silk double sided face covering with a 100% cotton inner Features adjustable elastic ear loops and adjustable nose wires Comes with 10 spare nose wires and 2 sets of silicone stoppers Machine washable on a cool/delicate cycle (delicates wash bag recommended) *The Slip® re-usable face covering is neither a medical device nor a personal protective equipment (PPE). It should not be used by healthcare professionals, in healthcare/clinical environments or settings or when the use of a medical device or PPE is required. The Slip® re-usable face covering is not designed to prevent or protect from any form of risks to a person's health or safety, illness or disease (or otherwise). The slip® re-usable face covering does not cause damages to, nor bring additional risks for, users according to its intended use. Cover your mouth and nose with the face covering. Your face covering should fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the face. Adjust the ear loops and nose wire as needed. Wash after use.
총 상품 금액 USD



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