Crystal Contour Gua Sha Blue Sodalite Beauty Tool
판매가 46 USD
상품 상세 설명
This is a Beyond Beauty product which means it has been sourced, tried and tested and finally declared one of the most new and innovative heroes out there. Gua Sha facial massage is an ancient beauty ritual known for its ability to breathe new life into the skin. Used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine, this effective treatment will smooth away the appearance of wrinkles and help to visibly firm the facial contours while awakening skin's natural glow. When used around the eyes, it helps reduce the look of dark circles and puffiness. Odacite's Crystal Contour is hand carved specially for the face, making your Gua Sha facial massage ultra-effective. Exceptional quality Blue Sodalite makes this treatment even more luxurious and high vibrational. Blue Sodalite is a stone that encourages harmony and restores peace and inner tranquillity, releasing fears and tensions. Use its grounding energy to strengthen bonds with others, build self-confidence and inspiration, and bring balance into every aspect of your life. Simple to use, yet super effective, apply your Serum Concentrate(s) and glide the Gua Sha tool over skin. Gently use the smooth edges to scrape and lift the skin from the centre of your face upwards toward the hairline. Brochure with detailed instructions included.
총 상품 금액 USD



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